Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Proven Not Trigger Cell Phone Brain Cancer

A large-scale studies show no link between long-term mobile phone use with an increased risk of brain tumors. The study conducted by researchers from Denmark was conducted on 35,000 mobile phone users who were monitored for 18 years.

Previous studies suggest a link between mobile phone use and tumors are considered unfinished because no long term studies.

Earlier in June, the world health organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) states that electromagnetic radio frequencies released by cell phones may be carcinogenic in humans.

But the theory was disproved by research done by researchers from Denmark. The study was conducted by comparing the cancer risk that is owned by the owners of mobile phones in Denmark (approximately 420 000) people, with the entire population in Denmark.

Patrizia Frei, a postdoctoral researcher and member of the Danish Cancer Society is conducting this research, analyze health data belongs to 358,403 mobile phone users between 1990 and 2007. Generally diagnosed with a tumor in the central nervous system of 10,729 people.

However, in people who use mobile phones in the long term (more than 13 years), the incidence of cancer is almost the same with people who do not use the phone.

"Follow-up studies of long-allowed us to investigate the effects of mobile phones in people who use more than 10 years. It turns out this is not related to cancer risk," researchers said.

However, according to them the results of this study may not apply to the possibility of increased cancer risk for very heavy cell phone users or those who used their phones for more than 15 years.

"Further study with larger populations is essential to eliminate bias and investigate for sure," he said.

Currently there are an estimated 5 billion mobile phone users around the world and the numbers will continue to rise. Besides the amount of time people spend an estimated cell phone use is also increasing.

IARC itself recommends the use of SMS or features hands-free wear earphones to reduce cell phone radiation exposure.

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